Thursday, January 12, 2023

speed check by aircraft

Speed Check By Aircraft - The speed is facilitated by jets. I felt like an idiot when I found out where their "clock lines" were on this part of the freeway...told my oldest son what the lines were for as we drove past...then stopped... ....

That being said, I noticed that after crossing the "speed zone" line, the state police put up a hot sign saying "watch your speed."

Speed Check By Aircraft

Speed Check By Aircraft

When I lived in the UK I used to laugh at the permanent signs on the road (highway) that warned of speed cameras ahead (I found ~90% of speed cameras were not schools).

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I lived in switzerland and got 5 speeding tickets in 3 years...with no warning (most temporary) with lots of cameras and 5 km/h speed....

This makes me wonder - why in America do they bother to inform drivers about speed controls? Some kind of legal requirement?

Lujess says: Last weekend I got my first speeding ticket in the US in 20 years. Knowing where their "watch lines" were on this stretch of highway...told my oldest son what the lines meant as he passed us...then pulled over... ...I wonder why it's here. Are Americans tired of notifying drivers of airplane speed controls? Some kind of legal requirement? Click to expand... I'm just wondering about the idea of ​​"flying speed checks", what do they do? a helicopter? a small plane?

I can see drones doing well right now, but the cost of the aircraft, the cost of the pilot, and the general cost per flight hour doesn't seem like a good use of resources. Even if they become a few faster. people.

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Jettavr666 said: I'm just wondering about the whole "airplane speed" idea, what do they do? a helicopter? a small plane? . Click to expand...

Jettavr666 said: I'm just wondering about the whole "airplane speed" idea, what do they do? a helicopter? a small plane? I can see drones doing well right now, but the cost of the aircraft, the cost of the pilot, and the general cost per flight hour doesn't seem like a good use of resources. Even if they become a few faster. people. Click to expand... NH uses mostly Cessna 172 aircraft. They looked like they were having a field day as I drove by on Monday afternoon, 4 chased after me and 3 others pulled up to stop me. I'm sure the dollar will increase quickly

I was just thinking about the legality, if I have to warn by law, I won't warn until the surveillance is over......But where am I guilty of paying the fine by remaining silent? .

Speed Check By Aircraft

Jettavr666 said: I'm just wondering about the whole "airplane speed" idea, what do they do? a helicopter? a small plane? I can see drones doing well right now, but the cost of the aircraft, the cost of the pilot, and the general cost per flight hour doesn't seem like a good use of resources. Even if they become a few faster. people. Click to expand... As far as I know they don't do that much. They chose a time to do this so that the whole stretch of freeway would be ready to go and the plane would call who would stand at the top. Is putting an officer with a laser gun on the side of the road enforcing speed limits a good use of resources? No. Motorcycle police are no more useful than funerals and government rallies. The promotion of rapid transit in general is nothing more than a linear object that works to justify its existence.

How Are Speed Limits Enforced By Aircraft?

There are usually such signs on local highways. But it is long gone. They wonder if they really did it or if it was a trick

Lujess said: Why in the US do they bother to inform pilots about airspeed control? Click to expand... Behavioral changes / sudden urges. The goal is not to exceed the speed limit. It is a constant reminder that the potential is there but not always realized. It is not known when it will be implemented, which means that it is better to slow down "just in case". The goal was achieved.

Jettavr666 said: I'm just wondering about the whole "airplane speed" idea, what do they do? a helicopter? a small plane? Click to expand... Yes, small planes. Instead of a pilot, a compensator watches the cars between the painted cars with stopwatches and then relays the information to the waiting units.

Jettavr666 said: I can see drones doing well right now, but the cost of the aircraft, the cost of the pilot, and the overall cost per flight hour don't seem to be good. Although the use of resources will not be good. They have some fast people. Click to expand... Nope. Drones have limited range, still require a pilot/operator, and it will take time for the pilot/operator to be enforced (per 14CFR107) when using the drone. There is no difference in your labor costs. In fact, using light aircraft contracted by local flight schools means that pilots are only paid by the hour. Use the aircraft, in this case there is only one LEO charge (spotter). Airplanes can cover long distances in one session, or several routes covering different terrains, which is great, while drones mean LEOs have to navigate, set up, and operate the area (when looking sideways). . the way is to steal and defeat a random force group), then install and drive somewhere else .... not good.

Aerostar Aircraft Report 8/16/2022n

One could argue that all speed enforcement on highways, involving police officers waiting to pull people over, is a "waste of resources" compared to the laser-mounted cameras with markings you're supposed to be using. small and randomly expensive resources (branding) to gain a permanent competitive advantage.

OOOO-A3 says: Behavioral changes / sudden urges. The goal is not to exceed the speed limit. It is a constant reminder that the potential is there but not always realized. It is not known when it will be implemented, which means that it is better to slow down "just in case". The goal was achieved. Click to expand... Yes, I get the gist of the mind.... But why bother with a thermometer after the monitor and before the ground unit? If they interfere with heat symptoms (at least in NH in my experience) encourage them. If that happens, they want to arrest you (or a regular stream of criminals) for fees and public nuisance…

Lujess says: G I lived in switzerland and got 5 speeding tickets in 3 warning (most temporary) lots of cameras, 5km/h.... Click to enlarge.. .My in the territory they use. Since there are no speed cameras, the "speed camera warning" sign is a scare tactic.

Speed Check By Aircraft

In California, I've seen plenty of "airplane speed" signs, but I've never noticed a lane sign. Am I not paying attention or is there another speedometer here? I've always wondered how airplanes measure speed from above.

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Thegave says: I've seen a lot of "accelerate airplane" signs in California, but never noticed any lane signs. Am I not paying attention or is there another speedometer here? I've always wondered how airplanes measure speed from above. Click to expand... Yes. There are lines.

I had one of the strangest stops of my life in a no-fly zone in western Oklahoma in January. He stopped, asked me to get out of the car, walked to the squad car, sat in the front passenger seat with the female police officer who pulled me over (a few years younger than me), then ran all my information, then left me. . and warnings. Long story short and funnier, but when he told me he was up because of the plane, I leaned forward and stared at the sky, "Really??" Never seen the plane. :laugh: :banghead:

Here is exactly what it says. It helps people understand that speed limits are serious and should be followed, but people are very resistant to new roads. I have to imagine someone somewhere who was fighting against airplanes, just like the people who are fighting against speed cameras right now. I'm not a lawyer, but "what if we promised advance warning" seems like such a compromise to make it happen. :beer:

Lujess says: If you are required by law to warn people, but after surveillance you don't..... Click to expand... Possible

Aspen 20 To La Center, Requesting Speed Check\

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